
Shareware is a simple concept that makes quality software available at a very reasonable price. You can freely download my software, try it out, and even pass along copies to your friends for them to try out. You don't have to give me any money unless you decide to keep using the software, otherwise you just delete it. That way, you don't wind up getting stuck paying for something that doesn't work or that you don't like, and I don't have the expense of having to sell my software via retail. Everyone wins!

Of course, we shareware authors don't like to use phrases like "give me money" or "pay for it". We call the process "registration", which sounds much more pleasant. Still, the fact remains that in order for the shareware system to work, in order for everybody to continue winning, people do have to register software that they decide to keep.

I've made this as easy as possible by offering several ways to register:

Cool Guy Image


To register the old-fashioned way, just mail your payment (in US funds) along with your name, the name of the program(s) you're registering, and your address (e-mail, snail-mail, or both) to:

Jeff Jetton
2134 Fairfax Ave. E8
Nashville, TN 37212

I will send you your registration code back via e-mail. If you didn't include an e-mail address, I'll send it to you by fax (takes longer) or by snail-mail (takes considerably longer) or by psychic waves (probably won't ever get there).

Credit Card by Web, Phone or Fax

I've teamed up with PalmGear H.Q. to provide an easy and secure way to register with your credit card. Just visit my page in their product shopping mall to register any of my shareware titles over the web.

They'll also be glad to take your credit card order over the phone at (800) 741-9070 or (817) 461-3480. You can also fax your order in at (817) 461-3482.
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